
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Two friendships that I can think of, one was rekindled, one wasn’t and I’m not thinking of renkindling it either.

    The first one was because my friend moved to another country and we just lost touch. I talked to him after about a year, he got angry at me because “why didn’t I write before”, I just Uno Reversed his ass and asked him the same question and he said “damn bro u right” and started talking again.

    The second friendship, he started using me as his chauffeur, he was invited to my house at 3pm because I had university tests the next day, he showed himself up at 11pm with someone I didn’t know and I had to let them in to stay the night because my country wasn’t the safest.

    He got drunk that night, made a mess in my house and left the next morning without saying shit and he was supposed to be my best friend. After that I straight up stopped talking to him.

    Nowadays, my “best friend” has moved away from 3 different countries because he’s a drug dealer and he’s always using the product he has to sell or losing it somwhere and several people are looking for him, he lost 5 kg of cocaine in Argentina. The reason I know is because the first friend I mentioned in this comment is also a friend of his and he actually keeps up with his antics.

  • I was working at a small gaming studio and talked on the phone with German Garmendia because we wanted to make a game featuring him and his staff. He’s a youtuber, I think he was called “the pewdiepie of latin america” or something like that? He had way too many subscribers, I think about 50M

    He was a nice individual from what I remember, very hard working and friendly. I think he was recently “cancelled” though but idk I don’t keep up with those things.

    I didn’t meet him per se, we just talked on the phone, and he’s not like… A hollywood celebrity or amything but it’s the closest I get.

  • If I remember correctly, I think under File Sharing there is a limit of how many queued uploads and how many megabytes of queued uploads per user you can put.

    You can reduce both amounts so people can only download a specific number of uploads or s specific number of megabytes at once so your computer doesn’t use so many resources.

    The other option is to set your folder to private and let people send you a message and ask you if they could download from you. I know some people set it to 2-3 uploads per user and if your internet just struggles to download things they limit the MB.

    That’s all I remember, sorry if what I’m saying is a bit confusing as my primary language is not English and I haven’t used Soulseek in a while!

  • I mean, to be honest, I feel like it’s the quality of the content in there. I used my old phone (the one I use for apps like threads) to get a threads account and people are using Threads as if they’re using instagram.

    For example, you see a pocture of someone or a drawing, you get into the post to see the 45 comments people left and all of them are:

    Comment #1: “Magnificent 🥰😍” #2: “Amazing 🤩” #3: “WOW!! 🔥🔥”

    And so on.

    At least in twitter there is more “discussion” (albeit toxic and usually useless) or at least more people sometimes talking about interesting things.

  • I once told someone they couldn’t park their Ferrari behind the restaurant I was working in because it was the place where the trucks would unload the food and he would get a fine.

    He just replied with “it’s ok, the fine is just what the parking lot is charging me to park there then”. I said I would call the towing company and he said “ok, I’ll just Uber home and pay to get my car back”.

    I then thought that I wasn’t paid enough on my job to deal with that shit so I gave up. Honestly, having a lot of money in this world is like cheating.

  • Backstory: I met my first girlfriend when I was around 17. Then I met her family, and during that time, O developed arthritis.

    The pains were really bad, to the point that some days I couldn’t even stand up from my bed. One day, her parents called me and asked me if they could “help” me.

    This is where the story starts, they said they were part of a “religious group” and were called Santeros (so they practiced Santeria).

    The thing is, at the time I was so ignorant that I didn’t even know what that was and didn’t even make the effort to find out for some reason.

    They told me they could take me to a guy that could pray for my health and whatnot. Since I didn’t want to sound rude, I agreed and we went to the place.

    The man (priest? Idk) kept insisting he knew I had noghtmares and I was afraid of someone chasing me, to which I kept insisting that that was not the case. Yhe whole experience was weird.

    But then he told my girlfriend’s parents that he wanted to see me again because he meeded to “perform” to be able to help me with his prayers.

    For some reason, I didn’t even pay attention to this and just said sure.

    A week goes by and I am going, again, to the same place with priest with my gf’s parents. The difference is that, this time, there is a giant box in the back of the car.

    I get there and they take me to the second floor of thr place. The floor is completely messed up woth dirt all over the place and weird artifacts, cockroaches, spiders, and a hole on the rooftop.

    They tell me to take my clothes off (except my underwear) and pray to a god (I think it was called Oshun? I don’t remember).

    After chanting and praying, they tell me to lay down on the ground looking up. I do so and they proceed to take a small calf out of the box, decapitate and dismember it next to me, and afterwards putting the body in top of me in the form of a cross, all while chanting, singing, dancing, etc.

    After that they told me to bathe in a specific river using oranges as a sponge.

    The whole experience was fucking surreal, after that, I just reject almost everything that has to do with religion.

  • I’m gonna be honest I’ve lost friends because of reaching out.

    At least 5 friends I had before I stopped talking because I simply was not in a good mental state to keep using social media/messaging daily, I was in a different country, and none of us had started a conversation.

    I felt overwhelmed about it as well. Sometimes I even felt more nervous about reaching out than going to a job interview.

    As soon as I sent the text asking how they had been, the first text I received was “You think you can just pick up the phone and text again like nothing happened? You never text”

    They didn’t even want to know how I was doing. I was taken aback but I immediately asked “I’m sorry I couldn’t reach out before, but, why did you never text either?” And they just blocked me.

    The good thing I can take from this is that I think actual friends would be happy that their friends reached out.

  • I check the option “hide notificatins from notification panel”

    You will still “receive” notifications but they will appear on the notification panel when DND is inactive and not when it’s active. Sorry, I expressed myself poorly in the previous comment, it’s not that it will straight up block notifications from coming, it’s more like putting you phone in silence for some time.

    The reason I think this works is because the phone keeps vibrating/ringing whenever you receive a notification and that also consumes more battery.

    Other than that, yes, as I said in the first comment I put some apps to sleep/deep sleep as well, depending on my use of those apps (idk if that’s what you mean by background refresh).

  • Yep, I discovered it because I’m not someone who likes to be receiving anotifications every 5 minutes (which are mostly spam) and I wanted what iPhone users have that it throws you a summary of all notifications you have received every now and then.

    So since there was no way of getting that summary on Android what I did is actuvate my DND and schedule it to get deactivated every 6 hours for 10 minutes so I can receive all the notifications within that time.

    The side effect was an increase of battery that I didn’t know was going to happen.

  • Honestly I just put several apps into sleep or deepsleep and when I really need battery I turn on DND.

    I don’t know why the changes are so drastic but in my device battery went up from 3-4hrs SOT to 6-7hrs SOT and from 12-16hrs stand by to 24-30hrs stand by.

    Also just to clarify, I live in Brazil so there is no 5G here, only 4G. I also deactivate RAM Plus.

    I do have to admit though, the default S21 FE experience leaves much to be desired because the battery is not enough.