Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
To a poor pregnant woman weighing her options … risk ruining their lives trying ask for an abortion and even get the death penalty … risk getting a secret abortion in a backroom and maybe die from the procedure.
The outcomes are … they ruin their lives if they try to ask for help … they risk death if they get a secret abortion but also the chance of getting away with it.
It just means more women will just take the chance of getting abortions in secret … expect women dying from secret abortions being on par with third world nations in first world United States.
The doctor showing you the 2lb cancerous tumour they removed from your abdomen.
I grew up with a family that didn’t have a lot of luxuries when I was young. We had three channels on TV, so we didn’t spend a lot of time watching TV. So I didn’t get to watch a lot of pop culture content for about the first 7 or 8 years of my life.
So one of the first memories I have as a kid is in hearing music on the radio, record player, cassette player or any sound system … I understood that it was previously recorded and performed by other people somewhere else.
What I thought was that all the sounds were generated by human voices. Guitars? Pianos? Trumpets? Brass sounds? Violins? even Drums or percussion. I thought all of it was people just making sounds with their voices.
I’m Indigenous Canadian so my parents didn’t have musical instruments, a couple of uncles played the guitar and fiddle … but by the time I was young, they no longer played these instruments and had them. I never knew or understood musical instruments really until I was about 8, 9 or ten. Up until then, I just thought all music was just people with amazing and unusual human voices.
Give a man a gun and he can rob a kiosk at an airport
Give a man an airline and he’ll rob the country
1970s: … this man has a pulse! … we’ll start him in the warehouse … wait a minute, he’s white! … put him in management!
I wonder if she’s covered by United Health Care
I’m imagining thousands of Americans doing the same and some shooting firearms at the sun too.
It’s only murder if you can’t afford to defend yourself in court … or if you can literally buy off the police … or the judge … or the entire court system … or the state … or even buy the entire country’s government
I never understood it either until I read about some research that suggested that this is probably the way the first people accidentally made the first cheese
My favorite is the guy or gal who first discovered cheese
The first step is the guy or gal who decided … “hmmm … I drank milk from my mom, why not the cow? Or the goat?” … a few hundred years go by … “oh no, the milks gone bad inside this animal stomach I’ve been using as a stone age water bottle … and oh look, it’s all turned into ugly lumps … I wonder what they taste like?”
A Health Insurance company denies your medical claims threatening your health and your life = good business
A frustrated house wife who can’t afford health care threatens a billion dollar corporation = jail
Gotta hand it to our ancient ancestors and all those guys and gals who saw weird things in nature and said … “I wonder if can eat this?” … “This looks yummy.” … or that friend who said … “Dare you to eat that”
And the foods we got out of it only account for those daring adventurous tasters who survived. No one counts all those unfortunate souls who died eating things they shouldn’t have.
Worf told him to keep the change because he’s a filthy animal
They better keep those vests because aren’t many young people in the US just opting to join the army and military as an option to pay for their extremely indebted lifestyle?
… and now you’re dead … oh wait it was just a stroke … no wait … ok now you’re dead
Unlike Kevin … Alexander was never remembered again :(
You mix it up by programming the chirp and a random panicked message from your crew that:
Streisand effect