But black people might. Do you really not see the problem of casually using slurs as insults?
But black people might. Do you really not see the problem of casually using slurs as insults?
They pretty explicitly make it sound like she underwent Witcher mutations in the meantime. How that happens, I have no idea, maybe it’ll be a plot point in the game? If they hand-wave it away I’ll be disappointed
So you can call deer the n word by that logic?
Explains why it took a month tho
Echter Kapitalismus, der dem Volk dient
was ist denn das für ein Fabelwesen?
I wonder how many people actually identify with each of those
Also reminded me of this https://youtube.com/watch?v=DoZFZto6Wqg
My understanding was that this was a mostly queer, generally left-leaning shitpost community. If this turns into another “look, I’m so edgy” community, I might just do that, but I’d be sad about it.
It’s not really the post that bugs me, but the casual and repeated dismissal of someone saying that they think this is inappropriate. Because you see how Anne Frank and Luigi are not in the slightest comparable, right?
Fuck CEOs, anyone who shoots them does society a favor, and Luigi is a hero in my book. Still pretty tasteless to compare him to Anne Frank, a teenager that was killed by Nazis for simply existing.
Please explain what you mean
So wait, are they a femboy and not a trans woman then?
You can both think that the guy is justified and a hero for doing what he did, and also think that comparing him to Anne Frank is in very bad taste, at best. He chose to do what he did, Anne Frank was persecuted and murdered just for who she was.
Uff, da ist aber jemand kantig. Schon gut, Opa, wir bringen dich ins Bett
10/10, heute passiert.
Ich: “Ich bin erst ab 13:00 zu Hause”
Anruf um 7:05: “Ihre Lieferung ist um 7:30 da, welches Stockwerk?”
Was schwafeln die da, direkt für uns gemacht? Das Anthropische Prinzip sagt nur aus, dass ein Beobachter in einem Universum leben muss, das das Leben des Beobachters zulässt. Sollte es so etwas wie Multiversen oder zyklische Kosmologie geben, dann kann es sein, dass in den letzten 10.000 Leben schlicht unmöglich war. Das hat dann aber natürlich niemand mitbekommen.
That’s the step that Putin forgot, or, inshallah, it would’ve taken him three days to Kiev
Really defending slurs now, huh
You would’ve loved HP Lovecraft’s cat, I’m sure