My neighbor broke into my apartment while I was on vacation
So no, no I don’t.
My neighbor broke into my apartment while I was on vacation
So no, no I don’t.
Never announce your intentions.
Never brag about your crimes.
I will never understand people not being able to play a game because of something so trivial.
When a game gives me the option I will always pick female characters because I’d rather look at a girl than a dude, but if it doesn’t and I have to play as a dude I don’t have a meltdown.
I’ll play the next Witcher game just like I played the previous ones: sat on the couch sipping mojitos and eating goat cheese and hot pepper flavored chips in my underpants.
I straight up called a coworker, in public, a brainless idiot for falling for right wing propaganda and then spent the next half hour mocking his views.
He never spoke about them again.
Wow you’re such a good little boy I bet you even separate the plastic lid from milk cartons. Your masters must be making so much money off of your free labor. Heck did I say free? You most likely live in an area where you pay to have someone take your sorted recycling so they can sell it for more money.
Also, I’m not concerned by your shock videos because I don’t consume inferior quality factory meat.
Please rethink this comment. This isn’t why we joined Lemmy.
Man I love how you guys put on the same level ‘pushing kids’ and eating meat.
And then you call me for having bad takes lmao
It’s ok my dude eat your beans, save the planet is thankful for your sacrifice.
You should put 10000x times the effort trying to stop the 1% from releasing 15% of the CO2 than you do trying to convert me to your bean religion.
Regarding 3, all I’m saying is that there’s an easy way to reduce CO2 emissions by about 15% but all you’re doing is waffling about beans.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Yes, yes you are. The only reason you are arguing right now is because you’re mad that I refuse to stop eating meat while some rich fuck’s personal jet flies around the world just so he can have a shit in a different toilet every day. If you didn’t care about changing my way, you’d be doing something else.
You really want to get politicians involved, huh. You haven’t figured out yet that they’re part of the problem?
Be the change you want to see in the world is meant as an encouraging statement to go and take things into your own hands instead of relying on third parties to fix your problems.
Man you guys sure love to jump to absurd conclusions using apples to oranges comparisons… First the guy comparing eating beans to child abuse, now you… It’s almost as if trying to force your lame lifestyle on billions of people requires leaps of logic only a protein deprived brain can achieve.
First off, you can’t measure the efficiency of one person deciding vs multiple.
You can, however, determine how much co2 one person emits.
There’s also no indication that politicians will ever consider banning meat and yet here you are trying to make people eat beans on toast every meal.
Look, all I’m saying, if you truly care about the planet, instead of trying to force lifestyle changes on 99% of the population, there’s 1% of them that emits 15% of CO2 without really contributing anything useful to society.
There’s a quick ROI. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Or you could eat beans I guess.
Man you’re still missing the whole point of my argument just because I said bugs, huh?
Your brain that starved for real protein? Try meat.
Bugs, beans, whatever. That’s not the point.
Feel free to feel good about saving all that planet.
Oops some billionaire’s megayacht just dumped more CO2 in the atmosphere in a day than you banked by eating beans for the past decade.
But yeah, more beans please.
Also, 'people like men talk about bugs because that’s what the elite is working hard trying to manufacture that delicious bug eating consent
It’s about efficiency.
What’s better? Forcing 1000000 people to eat bugs and beans, or summarily executing one Elon Musk?
Eat your bugs, you need to offset the damage caused by a billionaire’s third yacht.
I ain’t gonna stop eating meat to save 100g of CO2 a year while Taylor Swift takes her jet when she needs to tinkle.
Sometimes you raise issues and get told to stfu and do your job.
I’m betting it’s one of those times.
I’ve done stupid shit I knew was stupid and I shouldn’t be doing them because the order giver was stupid and deserves whatever shit is coming his way.
A business is here to make money
A government is here to provide services
You could but half the country voted for the guy who hates poor people
I’m not sure what your plan was with this comment but if it was anything other than to showcase your room temperature IQ, it didn’t succeed.