I tried to yea
I tried to yea
This is broken window fallacy, akin to throwing garbage on the floor so some custodian keeps his job. These workers still have other shit to do. I get to waste less time waiting. So it’s win-win-win situation.
You live in Florida?
He was the last president who addressed Americans like adults without the need for rhetoric.
I’m in jail because I was not in the sudoer file
That would piss off the voting base that actually votes though
The problem is they expect everyone to jump through hoops for them as if all the candidates are the same and they just need to pick one.
Had a job posting asking candidates to go on a goosehunt to find pictures of a landmark at some coordinates they provided, under the guise of “this proves you have attention to detail”… sod off.
And I don’t know why some posting still require CVs… like they don’t realize ChatGPT exists to write the fluff that they aren’t going to read.
Seriously, job opportunities have almost always been a numbers game, there’s an opportunity cost to investing time in these games that could be better spent applying to more jobs.
Probably the same people who use git cli instead of ide plugin equivalents
Omg he really does look like Winnie the pooh
No Diddy chat, on God I’m sus
Life is all about probabilities, you can do everything right and still lose (however doing everything"right" is nigh impossible). You lose if they have a better candidate, you lose if their department is suddenly not in need of the position, etc.
With that mentality, I don’t bother with CVs, and just use the time saved to apply to more jobs or maybe some kind of relevant project.
I mean at this point anything goes. You know that if you have a layover in Hong Kong, they changed the law to be able to arrest you at the airport if you expressed dissident thought anytime in the past?
They all but destroyed free expression if it criticizes government. Just another t1 mainland city now. And with it, the outflux of FDI, because there is no confidence in cult of personality leaders who are also conniving.
So you’re saying they need to force feed the treats to get them to learn?
Well, don’t think their IT positions are competitive when it comes to salaries, compared to major tech companies. Also considering their offices are in Vancouver, you probably aren’t going to work their to make bank.
It’s a bit of a selection bias out of necessity…
Of course it does, you must divorce now lest you provoke the ires of the internet
Great, I hate it
Senpai is kawaii