• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • Two thoughts here:

    1. How do they find an impartial jury? Is it possible to find an impartial jury?

    2. Will we ever learn if the McDonalds employee who turned him in received a payout?

    To the latter. I was into OSINT to a lesser degree for several years. There are people who engage with it for the sole purpose of trying to find criminal people in order to collect reward money. However, the deal is, the amount posted is typically “up to” the amount posted, and, worse, can be contingent on conviction in a court of law. So, yes, I want to know if the McD Employee was paid as of yet.

  • Google was decent at one point. The true enshittification only started to be felt in earnest ~2015.

    Before that there were books and index searches at the library. You would go pull, say, 11 books on Robespierre and the French Revolution. Then systematically index search each one for relevant info to research and write up whatever you were writing up. Same with journal papers though they had their own search devices and were typically housed in those cool rolling stacks.

    Wiki is user based. Anyone can write or modify anything on a wiki. There are mostly good intentioned players, but even so. I’m sure thee are people who sidle in to tweak their own Wikis or have a publicist create it. I’m old enough it’s never been my go to unless I’m looking up media. What year did Baldurs Gate come out? Who wrote Buffy the Vampire Slayer? What was JJ Abrams involvement with Fringe? What episode of TNG was Picard taken hostage and tortured with the lights? That sort of thing. That said, if you find something is lacking in a wiki, you can fix it yourself.

  • If you read it, Jesus doesn’t sound bad. I’d posit he’s probably the worlds first hippie. Acts is decent reading. The main issue is much of the book is filled with old law, several books in fact, that are there as governing rules for a society, not as a philosophy.

    Religion can even work as such within small communities. 334million is not a small community, and people cherry pick what they like. Handmaids Tale cherry picked what was needed to fix a fertility crisis. Other communities cherry pick what they like for other means of making women subservient in a trad wife role. Others still go straight Jesus and are unrestricted, which, necessarily, ignores the entire Old Testament.

    If the entirety was chosen, life would be very tedious and locked in contradiction.

    Just the part about not being able to use furniture sat on by a woman actively experiencing her period, having to wait a week, or was it two?, for the furniture not to be unclean any more would break some people. It fascinates me that the biggest religious sticklers just ignore that one.

    Oh. And no bacon. Or Christmas ham. A rule often ignored for obvious reasons.