• tygerprints
    -463 months ago

    But drinking IS good for you and it DOES heal the body and give people superpowers. I’m all for people drinking themselves into a stupor because they will feel SO, so good from it. I really do encourage it and all the drug abuse that is humanly possible, it makes me feel good to see it, and I truly do support it all.

    • @[email protected]
      283 months ago

      Why the fuck are you being sarcastic after spreading bullshit and then being called out by other people?

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      You were spreading misinformation and are now behaving like a huge jackass when corrected. I wonder, what makes you think this is a good look for yourself to be presenting online? What do you get from making people think you’re a dumb asshole? Is it a trolling thing? Because I often feel like that trolling mentality places way more belief in the distress you’re causing others over the actual reality of the thing, which is that people don’t actually give a shit about strangers on the internet, by and large. Is it a shame kink/masochism thing? What’s the point?

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Griefer. It’s a tool of the powerless to make themselves feel important. The more people respond to them the more important they feel.

        Some of them go bat shit crazy when they’re insulted. It ruins their whole day and they become more unhinged. Some thrive on that but when proven wrong on something they’re smarmily sure about they get unhinged and will try to accuse others of building straw men in roundabout (and in this case sarcastic) ways because they’re afraid they’ll lose. As long as they can keep people interacting they feel like winners.

        Edit: As always, the best way to deal with a troll is to downvote and block. Remember, they don’t have to be smarter than you. They just need to get a rise out of you and then they’ll keep doing it.

        Lemmy is a relatively small place. If you let them, people like this will overrun the whole thing then piss and moan because the community just isn’t the same. Do not engage.

    • Vincent Adultman
      53 months ago

      even if people drink their brains out you would still be gapped in any kind of intelectual and cognitive activity. It shows in your comments, it shows… Please refrain from drinking.