Grumbles about generative AI’s shortcomings are coalescing into a “trough of disillusionment” after a year and a half of hype about ChatGPT and other bots.
Why it matters: AI is still changing the world — but improving and integrating the technology is raising harder and more complex questions than first envisioned, and no chatbot has the magic answers.
Driving the news: The hurdles are everything from embarrassing errors, such as extra fingers or Black founding fathers in generated images, to significant concerns about intellectual property infringement, cost, environmental impact and other issues.

  • @mindbleach
    22 months ago

    Everyone who heard “AI” and made up the rest is feeling deflated.

    Everyone who understood how this tech works remains excited to see how it’s used for sensible purposes. Though we are worried about what the dinguses in the first group will foist upon us instead.

    • @mindbleach
      32 months ago

      I really cannot overstate the impact video generators will have on Hollywood, and how it’s the opposite of what Hollywood imagines. Anything that used to be a scribbly niche comic renowned for its concept and writing can soon be a whole-ass movie. Still authored by one rando with a cool idea and too much free time. Or, since Hollywood’s looking to jettison all the people who write words good, by a professional guild of wordsmiths, suddenly empowered to turn a thousand words back into pictures.