• Ada
    23 months ago

    Right, but it’s reactive and on a per user basis.

    • @planish
      13 months ago

      Like, each user is individually kicked off the PDS in reaction to some bad thing they did? Or labeling is reactive in that it labels bad stuff already posted, and each user has to pick labelers to listen to themselves?

      I’m not sure if Bluesky’s front-end defaults to using some particular labelers. I know there’s some moderation going on for you as soon as you log in, done by someone.

      But yes, each user has to choose whose moderation decisions they want to use, and they can’t rely on everyone they can see also seeing exactly the same space they themselves are seeing. But I’m not sure it’s possible or even desirable to get rid of the requirement/ability to choose your mods. I should be able to be in a community that has mods I trust, and the community chatting to itself and determining that so-and-so is a great mod who we should all listen to, and then all listening to them, sounds like a good idea to me.

      Being able to see and talk to people who aren’t in the same space I’m in might not be as good?

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      and on a per user basis.

      Exactly, because you are nobody to decide for others what they want and don’t want to read.

      • Ada
        23 months ago

        That’s literally how moderation on Bluesky works… You choose the people you want to moderate and curate your feed…