• mindbleach
    10 months ago

    Nothing inside a video game should cost money.

    No abuse highlights that absurdity quite like paying for shit that’s already on your own computer. There’s no server! There’s no infrastructure costs, except to prevent the game you just bought from doing the thing you bought it for!

    Ban the entire business model. It’s a scam. Games make you want arbitrary worthless nonsense - that is what makes them games. Directly monetizing that is an exploitation of humanity’s predictable irrationality. Your brain cannot cleanly separate kinds of value. On some level you are wired to pursue cheeseburgers and enchanted scimitars in the same way.

    Cosmetics have the exact same grip. They’re just a thinner needle you’re less likely to complain about. It’s the same multi-billion-dollar wallet siphon, jabbing at you every time you play. Limited offer! Today only! Look what your friend got! Have a free pull! Jab jab jab. And people still brag that they’ve only spent twice the cost of the game, inside that game, for things already inside the game they bought.

    Addiction to frustration is maximum revenue, under this model. This is the dominant strategy. You were never going to shop your way out of it. If we allow this to continue, there will be nothing else. Only legislation will fix this.