• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    There will be so much damage done before the dems get their shit together, if they ever do. Trump (or whoever takes over after him when he dies of stroke/heart attack) may not let us have a normal 2028 election.

    As far as damage, check out “project 2025” if you don’t believe me. Many parts of federal government will be hogtied at best, and that includes ones that people like, like the EPA. I, for one, like environmental protections.

    Even if the damage stops after one term, you can’t unfuck the thanksgiving turkey.

    Edit: by the way, I’m no democrat, I just recognize we’re playing with fire here.

    • @[email protected]
      -16 months ago

      Project 2025 is the 50 year accumulation of ‘lesser evil’ voting. Democrats refusing to hold their own politicians accountable and lashing out at everyone trying to, has allowed evil to grow so large our very government has become authoritarian. The marginalized have had versions of P2025 all their lives, some communities for decades, others for centuries. While dems claimed to have their concerns in mind, they kept electing their oppressor. It only scares white liberals now because its finally something that will impact them directly. THIS is what leftists have been warning liberals about for years, but their only interest was protecting the status quo, a status quo that protected them and the privilege it granted. For right now they will oppose it, but when it gets rebranded as something positive in a few years and offered up by a democrat they will laud it as progress.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Project 2025 is the 50 year accumulation of ‘lesser evil’ voting.

        Agree. But I must point out, ‘lesser evil’ voting is a natural consequence of the way our voting system works. I only see one path forward: our voting system must be changed to some sort of ranked-choice system. Personally I think trying to convince fascists (republicans) of this fact is pretty impossible, less so for democrats. I could be wrong here.

        All that is irrelevant I guess. No matter which party wins, both are totally open to listening to leftist policies. If Trump does something obviously bad we all saw coming, I won’t need to feel bad if I don’t vote. Even if it was something he said he was going to do. I mean, I guess Biden could also do something bad, it’s pretty likely, but I haven’t found his project 2025 manifesto yet. Regardless, everything will suck and people will look around and go, “Wow, I guess all those people who didn’t vote, they we right! They all were rejecting the two-party system in unison. They all think the same way, and they express that through not voting.”

        Then we’ll all join hands and immediately form a socialist utopia.

        It only scares white liberals now because its finally something that will impact them directly.

        You’re right but you’re going to make someone whine very loudly typing that out.

        For right now they will oppose it, but when it gets rebranded as something positive in a few years and offered up by a democrat they will laud it as progress.

        I would totally let a democrat run my socialist utopia, as long as they ran it as a socialist utopia (they are not capable of doing this, they would no longer be dems). They can call it New Dems, I don’t care, I want healthcare, basic guaranteed standards of living, more rights at work, etc etc.