Either through memes or comments I keep seeing this sentiment pop-up from time to time. And I’m wondering what your (yes, you) consensus is on it.

I for one am too pessimistic to do anything with potential hints. Like even if there is a good chance I still just don’t want to risk it.

  • FlorianSimon
    6 months ago

    Married men can (and often are) misogynist pigs. You may not be an incel, but get your facts straight.

    Funny you should mention reality. Isolated facts happen, but they’re not characteristic of a larger reality that the poor men are oppressed by women. In fact, the opposite oppression exists in a systematic way: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_harassment, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2019001/article/00017-eng.htm

    Crybabies. Don’t be a creep, and you’ll be alright. Open streets are not the right place to pick up women minding their own business. And even if you do it, the worst you’re likely to get is an insult, meaningless anecdotes aside, because cops are fucking useless.