• @[email protected]
    133 months ago

    I believe that’s the problem, AAA studios can put out shit games, the game content should dictate that.

    My eyes are getting sore from all these studios popping up claiming they are making AAA games, maybe put something out first mate.

    • @Immersive_Matthew
      63 months ago

      Right. What does AAA even mean? Meta spent billions on their Horizons Metaverse, but countless Indie Metaverses are way higher rated some made by just one person. Clearly AAA does not mean the size of the team or the budget.

      • @mindbleach
        13 months ago

        If you have to pluralize “metaverse,” then the concept does not exist.

        It’s like saying “the internets.”

        • @Immersive_Matthew
          13 months ago

          Well…there really are Internets as there is not just one as there are pockets in countries closed to others. I would not get too hung up on the name as there really are many many Metavaveres already established and many more are coming. I have one myself that is a highly detailed Theme Park Metaverse.

          A single Metaverse is the death of the Metaverse as centralization kills innovation and drives corruption/exploitation. We need many Metaverses or we will end up with just one corporate one. Good news is that is not how the Metaverse is developing despite some corps spending Billions to the one and only.

          It will all make more sense when there is greater standard and linking between Metaverses as right now they are all islands onto themselves. That will change in time.

          • @mindbleach
            13 months ago

            The entire god-damn point of “the metaverse,” in the book every tech-bro dingus stole it from, was that it encompassed ALL online media. There can only be one or zero. It was everything. It was the entire global internet, as embodied VR.

            Which is obviously ridiculous. But apparently not obvious enough, as these dinguses missed that Snow Crash is a satire of 1980s cyberpunk.

            Not sure what your excuse is for missing the equally obvious absurdity of championing competing walled gardens as a shift against centralization. What a shame there’s no giant global network that nobody owns, to demonstrate how something can be singular without being a monopoly.

            “I have my own internet at home.” Ridiculous.

            • @Immersive_Matthew
              03 months ago

              When people name call, it means they are emotional. Probably worth inspecting why.

              You are taking a fictional book and taking it as the modern definition of the Metaverse and that is just not the case. The name may have started in a book, but it really has taken on a life of its own and there has not been a second contender for the name.

              Who said anything about competing walled gardens? Some are walled. Some are open source. Some you pay to access. Some are feee. You just seem angry and yelling at the clouds.

              • @mindbleach
                03 months ago

                I’m describing how demonstrably-fucked-up people like Mark Zuckerberg have stomped all meaning out of an interesting concept, to the point the word means whateverthefuck the speaker wants. I’ve seen conversations - interviews - published articles, where people slap the label on some lofty goal, as if that’s gotta be what everyone else means, when they promise they’re gonna do one. In their mouths it somehow means everything from full-dive brain-jack Ghost In The Shell shit to… Second Life.

                And the brain-jack shit is somehow closer to what the word’s supposed to mean.

                Who said anything about competing walled gardens?


                It’s why you’re worried about a monopoly.

                The fact you think you’ve also got some metaverse in a jar, free-range and vegan, doesn’t change that.

                • @Immersive_Matthew
                  13 months ago

                  I am just one indie developer making a Metaverse app. Hardly a walled garden outside of charging a fee to access as it does not build itself. I rather live in world with a 1,000 linked Metaverses all made by small teams of passionate people than one mega Metaverse that a corporation owns and we all have to bow too. Thankfully the latter seems to be what is unfolding. I urge you to support the indies if you value the future.

                  • @mindbleach
                    13 months ago

                    I urge you to look up what “latter” means.

                    And I guess I can’t care that you’re still talking about “many tiny internets” or I’ll just go crazy.