Might be similar to #263.

You can test it out on this post here.

Hopefully there is a quick fix for that.

  • Dieguito 🦝M
    13 months ago

    I could not reproduce it, when collapsing it collapses, when opening link it opens link in the comment. Maybe there’s some additional step that I need to do to be in your situation…

    • @am41OP
      23 months ago

      To reproduce on cell phone:

      In comment of [merede alors] click on word [awake] to collapse comment

      In comment of [mFat] click on word [bloated] to collapse comment

      In comment of [Duamerthrax] click on word [steaming] to collapse comment

      In comment of [land] click on word [anyone] to collapse comment

      In comment of [JamesConeZone] click on word [quick] to collapse comment

      Clicking on text is not collapsing comments

      • Dieguito 🦝M
        23 months ago

        Ah I understood what you mean: if you tap on a line of text containing a link it opens the link instead of collapsing the comment! Thanks!