Edit: There’s a lot of people in the comment section who clearly didn’t read the article so let me clarify that no, this is not about Judge Aileen Cannon. Read. The. Damn. Article.

  • Blaster M
    -33 months ago

    Amazing that people think being forgiven of sins is a free pass to make more sins, when the reality is, being forgiven requires that you make your best effort to do good and not sin again on purpose.

    People that sin on purpose because they assume to be forgiven… well, they won’t.

      • Blaster M
        3 months ago

        It is true that the forgiveness covers it all, but, if you claim to be a follower of God (and by extent, Jesus), you must behave to his standards to continue to be forgiven. Standards such as “return evil for evil to no one”, “love (kindness) your enemy and those persecuting you” (with examples of treating your enemies with deceny and respect as you would and should your neighbor), and so on. Include “he who lives by the sword shall perish by it” as a warning to those that feel the need to be fighters, vigilantes, and so on. Replace sword with gun for a more modern interpretation.

          • Blaster M
            -33 months ago

            Those kinds of “once saved always saved, so I can do anything I want” people will most certainly not get a heaven ending. They are on the way to the Destruction ending.