• @Cracks_InTheWallsOP
    1 year ago

    I agree. I’m happy to leave masking (or other PPE if someone truly can’t wear a mask) up to personal choice in most other settings*, but in a hospital environment in particular I just don’t see any reason to not wear a mask if able. You’re in a place with a high concentration of sick people. Even taking COVID out of it, why not minimize the amount of particles blasting out of your face into that environment?

    *This is said recognizing that many people don’t have the luxury of saying “You do you”, but as a reasonably healthy person I can only police or worry about the actions of others for so long. At this point, I don’t give a shit if someone wears a mask day-to-day or not at all in your average setting, as I assume they’ve made peace with their risk assessment. Hospital patients and the people who are helping them are a different story.