• Ulvain
    6 months ago

    Not op, but there’s a much more rational connection to be made between unfettered capitalism and diseases. One of the unfortunate side effect of making institutions like corporations uber powerful is that they 1) pursue profit above all else, including the health of humans, and 2) won’t hesitate to lobby against, or simply break environmental laws and FDA regulations if it’s less costly (factoring in reputational costs, lawsuits, fines, etc) than following them.

    That’s how you got lead in paint, on toys, in fuel, how you got BPA in everything for a while, forever chemicals everywhere, microplastics in every living creature, global warming even though it had been a likely consequence of fossil fuels known for decades, science on cigarettes and cancer drowned, then challenged and discredited, and then lobbied against by big tobacco…

    I mean… not to be all internetty on you, but wtf are you talking about?