Hello fellow Lemmings! I hope this is the right place to ask this. I don’t understand how web domains work. Let’s say I want to buy the domain “abcdefghi.net”. I can go to a domain provider like haruba or godaddy and just buy it. but how can they, a private, sell me these domains? I’m not talking about the hosting, but just the domain. where do they register this domain I’m buying? isn’t it possible to register it myself instead of paying these services to do it for me?

  • @themoonisacheese
    91 year ago

    In theory you could become a registrar and pay the icann’s fee per domain to sell domains to yourself for cheaper. In practice, becoming a registrar is prohibitively expensive because you have to pay ICANN 10k, and then spend a whole lot more on certifications and processes, and audits from auditors. I recommend staying away from GoDaddy as they are infamous for being very bad to do business with, personally I’d recommend gandi.net and google.domains. namecheap also has interesting offerings.

    If you are a student, the Github Student Pack gives you a free .me domain for a year.

    • tubbaduOP
      41 year ago

      it’s “only” 10K? It isn’t so much if you think about it, I expected a lot more

      If you are a student, the Github Student Pack gives you a free .me domain for a year. cool! after the 1 year you can pay to keep it or just let it go?

      • @themoonisacheese
        1 year ago

        10k is just the nominal fee, the real costs are in the certifications and audits.

        the student pack just gives you a 1 year free promo code so you can pay to keep it.

    • UsualMap
      21 year ago

      Another vote for Gandi here - used them for years and absolutely no complaints.

      That said, CloudFlare are a competent registrar as well and if you’re going to use them for your site anyway…

    • @parrottail
      1 year ago

      google.domains is being sold off to GoDaddy from what I read.

      Edit: SquareSpace, not GoDaddy. I mis-remembered.

      • @themoonisacheese
        11 year ago

        Indeed. I wrote my comment hours before the announcement. Gutted that I’m going to have to migrate.

        • @parrottail
          11 year ago

          It was SquareSpace, not GoDaddy. I misremembered.