• @Jax
    33 months ago

    I’m not a troll. Liberals haven’t saved us, I’m not sure why you would think a Liberal is going to. I’m voting Biden because a U.S. under Trump is worse, but if you think stifling any conversation about what happens next with “the libs will save us” is contributing anything then you’re just as fucking dumb as the pugs that frequent hexbear.

    • @[email protected]
      -43 months ago

      The libs could save us, if we could ever get enough in power.

      Of course the libs haven’t saved us, they haven’t had the numbers. It’s been neck and neck with the fascists for 20 years.

      Imagine what we could do if the Dems had a 20 year supermajority. Universal healthcare, UBI, free college, wealth tax, these are all things that standard-issue Dems would love to do if it were feasible. The reason centrist Dems take baby steps isn’t because that’s all they want, it’s because that’s all they can do. Give em the power and they’ll do more.

      • @Jax
        43 months ago

        As I’ve said, I will be voting Biden. I’m inclined to believe things will not change.

        • @[email protected]
          -13 months ago

          Give Dems the power, and we’ll prove you wrong. You’ll love it.

          Don’t forget to vote downballot! And in non Presidential elections!

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            We did. They had a comfortable majority in congress and a Democratic president for years. Best we got out of it was the ACA which was more of a corporate love letter than anything else. Not to mention, would’ve been the perfect time to throw a few bankers in jail but no. Couldn’t be bothered to do that.

            • @[email protected]
              -43 months ago

              We have very different definitions of “comfortable majority”. Dems had a filibuster-proof majority for only a few months. And yes, they passed the ACA, which has saved thousands of lives and is the biggest step towards universal health care we’ve seen in generations.