I wrote like a whole thing here and then I got distracted by writing and my page ended up refreshing and I lost the actual post that I was Writing. Enjoy the Twitter screenshot. Rest assured that I am in fact actually writing with some regularity. And yeah, Josh Hill is a great reporter. I follow him on Twitter and on Facebook.

  • the post of tom joad
    6 months ago

    I recently read an article where off duty cops shot a 6yo boy who was with his mother (who was raving and carrying a shotgun tbf). I’m not going after the cops with this comment but the report, which said “the boy was struck while in a gunfight with police”.

    The woman did not exchange fire, the boy was shot by the off-duty cops. But try to find a news source that admits they shot the kid in the head during the exchange. I am afraid of what implications this deference towards police entail