In an interview with NBC News, Hossein Amirabdollahian refused to acknowledge that Israel was behind the recent attack on his country.

Iran’s foreign minister on Friday refused to acknowledge that Israel was behind the recent attack on his country and described the weapons that were used as more like children’s toys.

“What happened last night was not a strike,” the foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, said in an interview with NBC News’ Tom Llamas. “They were more like toys that our children play with  not drones.”

Amirabdollahian, who spoke to NBC News in New York where he was attending a U.N. Security Council session, said Iran was not planning to respond unless Israel launches a significant attack.

“As long as there is no new adventurism by Israel against our interests, then we are not going to have any new reactions,” he said.

  • @SuddenDownpour
    202 months ago

    Israeli forces routinely imprison children from the West Bank and keeps them locked for months, without respecting any sort of law or judicial procedure, not even their own. By the way, at what point of the genocide will you decide it is too much to continue defending them? Once they’ve kicked all Palestinians out? Or will you justify that as well?

    • DarkGamer
      2 months ago

      Do they do that for no reason, or because said children do things like attack them? Israel has been under attack from Palestinians for the last hundred or so years, If Palestinians want to change that situation they should pacify and make their own court systems so they wouldn’t be subjected to Israel’s.

      At present this is not a genocide no matter how much you repeat the phrase. Hamas is not a protected group under genocide statutes.

      I support Israel achieving meaningful self-defense goals, in this case, deposing Hamas. If they are forced to stop before this is achieved, it only helps to keep Hamas in power which is worse for both Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas and intifada has been the source of all of Gaza’s suffering.

      • Andy
        122 months ago

        It’s often no reason. The head of domestic security, Itmar Ben-givr was convicted of incitement to violence in 2005, and routinely says that all Arabs are terrorists and should be killed, imprisoned, exiled, and tortured.

        It’s pretty brutal. He’s advocated for executions without trial and death sentences over social media posts. The man was rejected from compulsory service by the IDF over his extremism, and now he’s in charge of the national police.

      • FfaerieOxide
        32 months ago

        Israel has been under attack from Palestinians for the last hundred or so years

        Israel hasn’t even existed that long.

        • DarkGamer
          2 months ago

          You are technically correct, I omitted this detail for the purpose of comment brevity. 100 years ago before Israel was a state, it was Arab nationalists murdering Jews in mandatory Palestine, and the factions haven’t changed much since then. Same conflict.

            • DarkGamer
              2 months ago

              Long before the nakba, Jews were murdered by Arab nationalists for legally buying land in mandatory Palestine. This is what started the cycle of violence in earnest that continues today and led the British to determine a two-state solution was not viable and kicked the problem to the UN.

              • FfaerieOxide
                22 months ago

                Long before the nakba

                That wasn’t a reference to the Nakba, actually but to ethnic cleansing zionists were efforting toward prior even to The Balfour Declaration.

                • Hyperreality
                  12 months ago

                  The wiki article DarkGamer posted, in the comment you’re replying to, mentions Jewish land purchases predating the Balfour Declaration. I would recommend reading the article. It paints a more nuanced picture.

                  (For the record, I think Israel’s current government is run by fascists and that what’s been happening in the West Bank and Gaza amounts to ethnic cleansing, although that doesn’t stop some people in the fediverse from insinuating I’m a zionist shill when I suggest Hamas or Iran aren’t the good guys either).

                  • FfaerieOxide
                    12 months ago

                    mentions Jewish land purchases predating the Balfour Declaration

                    Yeah, so did the book I had originally linked. That was the topic, yes.

                    Not addressed in DarkGamer’s retort is the policy of displacement those purchases were party to.