A new paper looks at 40 questions from the World Values Survey from 1981 to 2022 (n = 406,185) for the 76 nations that did this survey more than once. Overall these values diverged over these four decades. The strongest factor from a factor analysis explained 65% of variation, and was strongly linked (b = 0.76) to Welzel’s “emancipative vs. obedient” [EO] dimension (“restrict the freedom of the individual from the group”), and less so (b = 0.26) to Welzel’s “sacred vs. secular” [SS] dimension. The value divergence rate correlated with EO, but not SS.
Tf? Who the hell thinks childhood obedience is a good thing?! I did not GET to have a childhood because of “obedience”.
Fuck it, I’m done. I hate you all, you’ve ruined everything I truly care about and only seem happy when I conform regardless, I hope ALL of you lose everything you ever valued like I did.