• @[email protected]
    412 months ago

    Tough to say what I would’ve contracted without vaccines. But the upper bound is 10, when I had pneumonia and relied on antibiotics.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      Yeah I got it and strep real bad at the same time around then, the pneumonia actually turned to pleurisy. Wasn’t doing too great for a few days.

      Tbh I might not have made it that far, I got sick quite a bit as a kid.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      My upper bound would be age 6, when I got some sort of stomach flu and had to be hospitalized with an IV because I was constantly vomiting and couldn’t even keep liquids down, so I was getting dangerously dehydrated. I was so dehydrated it took 14 tries to find a vein and start the IV (actually, I think the number might be higher, but that’s the number sticking out right now). Even on a good day mine are still hard to find, but that was not a good day.

    • wander1236
      22 months ago

      Psh, they had moldy cheese back then