• Home Assistant is now part of the Open Home Foundation, a non-profit aiming to fight against surveillance capitalism and offer privacy, choice, and sustainability.
  • The foundation will own and govern all Home Assistant entities, including the cloud, and has plans for new hardware and AI integration.
  • Home Assistant aims to become a mainstream smart home option with a focus on privacy and user control, while also expanding partnerships and certifications.
  • @OutOfMemory
    12 months ago

    This is how I have mine set up:

    homeassistant: image: ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable container_name: homeassistant volumes: - /data/homeassistant:/config - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro ports: - “” - “” restart: “unless-stopped” privileged: true network_mode: host

    ha-whisper: image: docker.io/rhasspy/wyoming-whisper:latest container_name: “ha-whisper” volumes: - /data/homeassistant/addons/whisper:/data command: --model base --language en --beam-size 2 restart: “unless-stopped” networks: default: ipv4_address:

    ha-piper: image: docker.io/rhasspy/wyoming-piper:latest container_name: “ha-piper” volumes: - /data/homeassistant/addons/piper:/data command: --voice en_US-lessac-medium restart: “unless-stopped” networks: default: ipv4_address: