For most personal projects, hosting on the cloud may be overkill, but tempting with its supposed ease of use and benefits of scale. Self-hosting is often overlooked as a solution with the benefit of simplicity and cost.

Interesting discussion and demonstration of self hosting the kinds of apps most personal projects will end being.

  • LeftEndDevOP
    52 months ago

    Wow that’s messed up. I guess the only recourse then would be to ask someone or some local business if you could setup the server there for a fee, but at that point just use a cloud service provider and it’s the same experience for about the same cost.

    • Remy Rose
      42 months ago

      I was afraid that might be the case… Definitely pretty messed up, but with the state of ISPs around here it’s not surprising either. This guide is super awesome though, I’ll use it if I ever get a chance to!

      • LeftEndDevOP
        32 months ago

        I sure hope so friend! All the best of luck in the meantime!