Next year Windows 10 goes End of Life. Microsoft will undoubtedly push windows 11 hard, but a lot of machines won’t support it leading to a few economic points of interest:

The demand for new machines will be high, driving up cost.

The supply of unsupported machines will be high, driving down the used market.

Are you all ready?

  • @thatKamGuy
    722 days ago

    You likely just need to enable TPM through the BIOS (each manufacturer calls it something different).

    I’m in a similar boat, but am going to use W10 EOL to probably jump ship to Linux - if not at the very least switch to Windows 10 LTSC.

    • @FellowEnt
      122 days ago

      Thanks, seems easy enough! Unfortunately my work revolves around the Adobe suite so it’s W11 fun times for me yay

      • @[email protected]
        121 days ago

        Same. If it weren’t for substance painter and a few other DCC apps I’d have already moved over.