So I have balls and yeah they’re the first thing on my body to start to smell. I can skip a shower if I’m in a hurry and I don’t smell much. That’s with working a job that’s usually physical. I was a punk kid fucking punk girls when I was younger and we didn’t bathe every day. I didn’t notice much smell then.

Now I see these ads regularly that are like hey women you stink after 12 hrs 5/10. What’s up?

  • @Vendetta9076
    12 months ago

    Nah breh ive worked with people like you too often. Theres always one on the team that fuckin stinks because they think “bodies are different”. Thank god I work remote so I never have to sit by people like you ever again.

    • Victor
      -12 months ago

      Keep talking to me like you’ve met me before…

      I don’t stink. I shower way before I start to stink. I told you, all of you, I start to stink a little bit at day 4, but I shower about every other day, at the gym twice a week and at home during the weekend. It all amounts to no hygiene issues. I am also very thorough with my junk after peeing and no. 2. I wipe with paper and wash with water if I can’t get it perfectly clean. You don’t know shit about my hygiene so leave me alone. Prejudiced jerk.