The conflict between a restaurant and conservative neighbors is tearing at the fabric of The Plains, Va., population 250.

  • bear_pile
    51 year ago

    I just don’t understand this behavior. Like isn’t it easier to ignore these people and not give their business money? I have a neighbor I really dislike cause he’s a jackass, you know how much energy I spend hating him? None, I just ignore his ass. Why do these “conservatives” need to go out of their way to make other people miserable when you could just move on with your life and not interact with people you disagree with.

    • sweetviolentblush [they/them]
      1 year ago

      There was a chunk of my life where I was forced to be around people like this and listen to them talk. It sucked hard, but I also picked up a bit of insight. I personally think they focus on other peoples lives because they don’t want to focus on their own lives. There’s tons of reasons why that is though; some are just completely miserable and hate themselves so they focus on others instead (this crosses over into celeb worship too), or they focus all their energy on hating others because it gives them a boost of dopamine/they feel better about themselves and their choices (I think this one of the main reasons cause I’ve personally known a bunch of people like this), or the ultra-religious ones consider what they do to be a “holy path of righteous harassment” in spite of the bibles love thy neighbor message. Or, “I’m terrified I may be into (fill in thing they hate), so I rally against this thing I hate (but I’m actually ashamed I’m into).”

      None of them actually care about the kids btw, its just the excuse they’ve had the most luck with. If people hear kids are being threatened it tends to make the average person automatically emotional about it instead of logical, which makes it easier to sway them to your side of thinking.

      I also think the majority of them use morality as an excuse, instead it being their actual beliefs (hence all the hypocrisy we tend to see). When they talk amongst themselves they don’t seem to give a shit about morals, unless it is to mock the people whose lives they don’t agree with. And then they get their morally superior boost of feel good dopamine again.

      Just my 2 cents.

    • ThunderingJerboa
      21 year ago

      I mean because these idiots think adults doing what they want is perpetuating sin and they are “InDoCtRiNaTiNg” future generations to be as sinful as they are. So they are fighting a cultural crusade for the morality of this country (lets just ignore we aren’t even past the average lifespan of a human (in the us) yet since the civil rights act, which acted like it was perfectly moral and just to exclude blacks/minorities from public accommodation just because they were born with a certain pigmentation of skin)