You might notice that I made a generator for a submission on the Generator Jam named Complete the Number Blocktrains. Well, I’ve decided to update it and release it to the public and placing it into my Generator Manager amongst the Main Generators family, along with other some notable changes, including the score system and a leaderboard, thanks to @[email protected]’s new Leaderboard Plugin.

And here are the details on the score system below.

Score system details
  • Gameplay:

    • +1 on every single block that has been guessed right when it was spawned through the blocktrain’s expanding button or in-game
    • +5 if they guessed 5 blocks or more correctly in one guess (only if there are more than 5 in a blocktrain sequence)
    • +25 if they guessed 10 blocks or more correctly in one guess (only if there are more than 10 in a blocktrain sequence)
    • +50 if they guessed 15 blocks or more correctly in one guess (only if there are more than 15 in a blocktrain sequence)
    • +5 if they guessed all the blocktrains’ exact amount of blocks matched correctly in one guess (not including all the blocks in the blocktrains)
    • +15 if they guessed 6 blocktrain lengths correctly in one guess (only if there are a total of 6 blocktrains in a blocktrain sequence)
  • Winning:

    • +5 if they successfully guessed the blocktrain sequence (win the game)
      • +5 in addition if they did it within 10 guesses or less
      • +10 in addition if they did it within 5 guesses or less
      • +5 in addition if they guessed 5 blocks or more within the last guess (plus the 5-block and 10-block guess bonus points)
      • +10 in addition if they did it without having a number from any block higher than an expected number in a guess (e.g., appearing in blue, lower number expected)
      • +20 in addition if they did it without expanding one blocktrain too far (e.g. expanding it to has more than 2 blocks if a guessed blocktrain only has 2 blocks)
    • +25 if they successfully guessed a blocktrain sequence within a single guess
    • +50 if they successfully guessed a blocktrain sequence with a total of 10 blocks or more within a single guess
    • +15 if they have won a total of 10 games in a row
    • +10 for each winning of 5 games within only 10 guesses or less in a row (streak resets if player loses criteria for the reward)
    • +20 for each winning of 5 games within only 5 guesses or less in a row (streak resets if player loses criteria for the reward)
    • +20 if they did it with three or more matching blocks with 7s in a single blocktrain sequence

To make things even more fire, the star icon next to the score counter will change the color depending on how many score you’ll get, denoting what it’s called “grades”, where the highest grade possible is Diamond, with 2000 score required to reach it.

Edit: Just updated it again so the number of games won will also be kept on record and some other improvements

  • BluePowerOPM
    10 months ago

    The new entry on highlight feature worked!