Bout damn time

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Please give me 1 example of Biden encouraging his DEA to deschedule cannabis because I can’t find one and doubt it exists.

    *downvoting me won’t make that statement exist. 2022 Biden statement on marijuana reform Notable absence: “marijuana should not be on the CSA list of scheduled drugs”. Interesting inclusion: ‘LSD is a good example of what should be a schedule 1 drug’

    • @ricecake
      52 months ago

      It doesn’t make you sound more credible when you skip over the part of the order where he directs HHS to review classification, which is all the president can legally order, to instead focus on the other part that isn’t actually a federal order.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Ok so where’s the example of him calling for descheduling marijuana which you said he did. Or the example that his DEA admin was pro-legalization.

        • @ricecake
          12 months ago

          You literally posted it.

          Third, I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.

          That’s the extent of what the president can do.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            The president can make a public statement saying “I believe that marijuana should not be a scheduled drug”.

            The president can appoint a DEA administrator who is on record saying that they believe cannabis should not be a scheduled drug.

            He did neither of those things, and you claimed that he did. Maybe scroll up if you forgot. Either back the claim or stop replying.

            *Jesus christ he cannot read.

            • @ricecake
              02 months ago

              Ah, I see. You’re determined to be upset, so you won’t accept “gave the only legal order towards what you want”, and instead want a public statement of “legalize it”, and “decriminalize it” isn’t enough. Same for the DEA administrator.