Any allegations that Greene is transparently working as a Russian agent are entirely unsubstantiated.

  • @[email protected]
    292 months ago

    They will because Johnson has enough of a “business as usual” facade to convince them that he isn’t just as insane as the rest of the GOP.

    Establishment corporate dems simply don’t understand the situation the country is in, they still believe they can go back to one-hand-washes-the-other style corporate politics despite what they’ve seen since 2016.

    They don’t get that they’re up against idealogues, not people simply looking to exploit the office for the lobbying paychecks and insider trading.

    • @[email protected]
      162 months ago

      Apparently Johnson has not yet broken a deal with the Dems like past speakers, so he is about a trustworthy as a GOP member can be.

      Tabling a motion is keeping the status quo. If that somehow fails then there is zero chance the Dems will vote for Johnson to keep his spot as he can’t keep a deal if he can’t keep his position as speaker.

    • Jaysyn
      92 months ago

      Strictly because he’s more honorable than Kevin McCarthy & hasn’t lied to the Democrats yet.

      • partial_accumen
        112 months ago

        McCarthy was even told that Dems would help him keep the Speaker role if he just asked for their help. He didn’t want to, and didn’t, and he got voted out. Pride comes before a fall.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Or they could be propping him up to pass stuff and then dropping support just before the election.