Made a new plugin as a wrapper for all the generator updates for the next month, although this has been planned since yesterday. Will be the last plugin ever created before I release the very staggering update…

Also, from now on, feedbacks, suggestions and bug reports on my plugins are welcome on the [email protected] community! 🙂 (See the plugin notes)

  • allo
    22 months ago

    Looked supercomplicated at first skimming it, then thought wow u did alot on this but i can’t tell what it is, then I read the first paragraph and that was required to understand it and now actually yes it is really cool. and then instantly thought of suggestion of ‘what about having the controlled target be selectable?’ like be able to specify ‘a’, but also ‘p’, ‘h1’, ‘button’, ‘body’ etc. that would make it quite cool if it was a plugin that allowed targeting and styling any type of element through the same simple perchance list interface

    • BluePowerOP
      22 months ago

      The plugin itself, as the name implies, primarily targets links and the options (like openInNewTab and href) are also link-oriented. But if it were to target another element such as p, code, h1, etc., these options would be pretty pointless, apart from css. I’ve also got an idea to add events to this thing, like onclick, in the next update of this plugin.