• @canOP
    22 months ago

    I don’t really follow it but I see enough headlines around to wonder, all of Trump’s legal trouble aren’t going to be a barrier? It’s still allowed? The party is corrupt enough to feel confident supporting him anyway? Do I want to know the answers to these questions?

    • @ZombiFrancis
      22 months ago

      The Supreme Court of the United States is currently hearing arguments on whether Trump has immunity from criminal acts until Congress does the political act of impeaching in the House and convicting in the Senate. Meaning this congress or a later congress would first have to impeach, convict, and remove from office a president that is already out of office.

      It sounds silly because it is, but the justices Trump appointed appear to have his back and are prepared to make that decision in his favor.

      So we are close to seeing if Trump’s legal troubles will be politically whisked away so he can get re-elected or not.

      The party is supporting him either way, regardless of a legal ruling or any regard to the law.