Labour’s Richard Parker wins in West Midlands, where Andy Street was hoping to hold on as Conservative mayor

Sir Keir Starmer calls the victory a “phenomenal result” for Labour and “beyond our expectations”

It caps a wave of losses for the Tories in mayoral races and local elections

Earlier Labour’s Sadiq Khan won a third term as London mayor, increasing his share of the vote

He said it was an honour to be re-elected and thanked Londoners “from the bottom of my heart”

Andy Burnham was re-elected as mayor of Greater Manchester, along with Labour wins in West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and Liverpool

On Friday, Ben Houchen’s win for the Conservatives in the Tees Valley mayoral race was a rare bright spot for the party

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    Never going to be able to think of anything other than Life of Pi for the next four years.