• Jax
    5 months ago

    ITT: a whole fuckload of people ignoring context.

    Condemn the cops for using excessive force. Condemn them for not taking more time to de-escalate the situation. Condemn then for bringing 500 cops and burning down the neighborhood.

    However, this wasn’t just a random act of violence, the MOVE people opened fire on the cops first. This was after months of people complaining about the trash piling up around the building, them using a bullhorn to effectively harass the people who lived around them, etc. The MOVE people, by what I’ve read, seemed like hell to live near. (This is mostly in the wikipedia article, the only part conveniently omitted being that MOVE shot first)

    But to my real point: IDC who you are or what you’re fighting for, if you decide to open fire with kids near you (or near the thing you’re shooting) then you’re a bad fucking person.