Well I’ve saved my pennies and I now finally have enough to get an Ebike. after HOURS of watching youtube videos, reviews, etc. I think I’ve narrowed my choice to these two options.

  1. KEQJSK Electric Bike 1000W Motor. The things I like about it. It looks like a traditional bike. and it will fit on a bus’ front bike rack. But it only comes with a 48v 15AH battery. But with the savings I would make up on this I could easily buy two extra batteries. And it’s the lightest of the two. My other choice is

  2. Wallke H6 Pro. Now I’m a heavy guy. and this bike is designed for the heavier rider. Plus it comes with a 40v 40AH battery pack. And you can upgrade with an extra internal 20AH battery so you would end up with 60AH total. at HALF the cost of the other 60AH models, the Aniioke A8 Pro Max, and the Eahora Juliet. Plus I like the fact that it folds into a somewhat compact size.

The downside to this model is you can’t take it on buses, although I can take it on our local subway. But with the range this models provides I wouldn’t need to take transit as much. Another downside is the weight. This thing is HEAVY. it comes in at 90lbs minus the battery.

So those are my current choices. Which would you choose?

  • _haha_oh_wow_M
    10 months ago

    Honestly, I wouldn’t get either of those. I have a heavy folding ebike myself but I regret the purchase and wish I’d saved up for something quality instead of a cheap bike shaped object. I spent hundreds after I bought my Engwe to try and make it safer, reliable, more ridable, but even after upgrading the brakes, getting Tannus Armor, a better saddle, tune ups, etc. it’s still nowhere near a bike from a decent brand.

    If you’re looking for budget options, I’d recommend something one the less expensive end of REI’s bikes or maybe something from Lectric (but again, most of the folding ebikes out there are pretty pointless). Don’t order from these weird-ass Amazon companies with names straight out of a random name generator - it’s a waste of your money.

    Don’t make the same mistake I did.