I’ve been made aware that the code I’ve written to access text-to-speech from ElevenLabs API is no longer working.

I’ve tested it and it seems that the CORS-Proxy that is being used in ai-character-chat currently doens’t allow POST methods (which is being used to ‘post’ the text to be ‘spoken’ in ElevenLabs).

Not a major/priority issue but might be nice to be fixed. I also wonder how many are using text to speech (even just using the Speech Synthesis code) in the ai-character-chat

  • BluePower
    10 months ago

    Same 😄

    I’ll complete and share the project possibly (and hopefully) as an actual plugin after the post-announcement update of my generator hub page, but I’ll be releasing the “early implementations” somewhere in my experiment generator so everyone can try it right now and give some feedback on it.