New figures released today by SCOTLAND: The Big Picture reveal how their expanding Northwoods Rewilding Network, which now includes over 70 farms, small estates and community lands, is committing an ever-greater area to nature restoration. The network’s land partners have all contributed by revitalising natural habitats, returning missing species and supporting rural jobs, demonstrating the capacity of grassroots rewilding projects to deliver big gains for nature, climate and people.

This innovative network was only set up in 2021, when two farmers sought help from SCOTLAND: The Big Picture with rewilding their land. Since then, Northwoods has expanded year on year, attracting interest across Scotland, with one fifth of the network’s partners now made up of local community groups. Set up with nine core principles, the network supports and enables rewilding at varying scales and across different settings.

  • YungOnions
    5 months ago

    Really cool to see how momentum on this type of rewilding work is building amongst farmers. Things like the Environmental Land Management schemes should help to.