Need this nationwide. I hate having fees added on to the price of what I’m ordering.

  • @EezyvilleOP
    951 month ago

    Agreed. I hate tipping. Some tippers will hate for tipping to go away because they can use their charisma to make a lot of money. More power to them but tipping is just a way for these businesses to keep their labor low. Many other countries don’t have tipping and can still have restaurants. For some reason the US needs tipping to be able to have restaurants.

    • @[email protected]
      341 month ago

      Some tippers will hate for tipping to go away because they can use their charisma to make a lot of money

      The funny thing is even if restaurants are forced to pay a living wage and not have tips as a subsidy, these servers would actually still be able to do that. Maybe not AS much as before, but between that and an actual living wage is bet they still would come out ahead lol

      • iAmTheTot
        231 month ago

        A lot (not all) of workers in the service industry like tipping, actually. They get cash a lot of the time, which they like, and can under report on their taxes. Most people opposed to banning tipping, in my experience, are actually the people receiving the tips.

        • @[email protected]
          391 month ago

          And yet many of those people are also the first to complain about having inconsistent paychecks. Funny how that works

          • @[email protected]
            141 month ago

            Something tells me these same workers wouldn’t like tipping so much if people didn’t feel obligated to tip under threat of food tampering (real or imagined) or other threat/shame tactics.

          • iAmTheTot
            31 month ago

            I mean, I don’t think they’re necessarily the same people, that’s why I said not all.

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          131 month ago

          The real perk of getting tips in cash is not having to visit an ATM to buy drugs from each other

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          I do wonder how much that’s changed over time. As more of us use only electronic payments or credit cards, that has to reduce the opportunity for tax fraud (same with panhandlers - I literally don’t carry any cash I could give you, so now what?)