Ich besuche meine Familie nächste Woche, und ich will kleine Geschenke mitbringen.

I know American chocolate is inferior, but I assume it’s still a novelty. Some kind of candies probably, too. What else? Many years ago they loved to get boxed breakfast cereal and paper napkins, which seems quaint now.

It’s been years since I’ve seen them, and I’m sure everyone there can buy whatever they want on the Internet, but it will still be fun to bring something.

Any suggestions for an Ausländer?

  • Clay_pidginOP
    10 months ago

    The development of processed foods in the U.S. is closely tied to the military. They funded research into more shelf-stable foods like “cheese product” and preservative laden bread. Manufacturers appreciate their products expiring more slowly as it helps out their logistics. It’s not really anyone’s goal to feed us all stabilizers and preservative, but because it’s cheaper for big companies it’s what we get. There’s not much in the way of consumer protection in this area.

    Certainly there’s good chocolate, but price is a major factor at the grocery store. A big Hershey bar (the size of your hand) is $2 and a similarly-sized bar from a better manufacturer is at least $5.