“b-but bears are actually dangerous!” Shut the hell up.

  • @Jax
    131 month ago

    to make men think about their actions

    Do you not understand that, as a very straight man, I’ve never once even thought about hurting a woman?

    It’s absolutely divisive. Stop.

    • NickwithaC
      -51 month ago

      But have you thought about challenging a man who does?

      • @Jax
        31 month ago

        Ah yes, let me open myself up to physical violence because I’m a man and that’s my place in the world.

        Shut the fuck up

        • NickwithaC
          -11 month ago

          Are you aware that you get to make that choice and that women don’t?

          • @Jax
            01 month ago

            Are you aware that, as a man, I still have the right to protect myself?

            God, go fuck yourself you troglodyte.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I’ve never once even thought about hurting a woman?

      then you’d know it’s not about you. I don’t think women want to potentially be mauled to death by the bear, it’s simply preferable to the horrible shit men do to women with astonishing regularity. kidnapped and raped to death, or kidnapped and raped for decades.

      do you need links, to show how unfortunately regular this kind of thing is? because they’ll turn your fucking stomach. just because you’re ignorant about how often it happens doesn’t mean you should take it personally when women make a logical choice. they’re safer with the bear. You’ve never thought about hurting a woman, that’s great, but it doesn’t do shit for the women who have had this shit done to them by men for the history of the species.

      It’s absolutely divisive. Stop.

      oooOoh poor boy, it hurts your feelings huh? get over yourself.