• @VirtualOdour
    01 month ago

    The problem is caused by eight billion people wanting to live full lives with meaning and purpose.

    I guess your childhood was very different to mine, or more likely you’d currently living in a sealed community like the Amish but locked to cassette decks and big hair. For those of us living in reality things have changed massively since the 80s, even the US has more solar generation than coal generation, electric car usage is starting to dent oil demand, work from home and automation is starting to reduce commuting - but you wouldn’t know about these things because they’re only possible due to lots of advances that happened since you got frozen in the time bubble.

    No its not perfect, life is hugely complex and global society even more so but less people die of dysentery every year, more industries move to sustainable models and ecologically safe practices all the time, and new options for people trying to create solutions reach the market everyday.

    What do you think we should do? Shut off the oil snd let billions die as global society collapsed and chaos is unleashed as billions od desperate people destroy everything in a panic? Or more likely you don’t have a solution because you don’t care it’s just an empty argument to help you avoid reality.

    If you install a communist system will people magically not want food and water and entertainment? Did Deng modernise Mao s vision because the revolutionaries were all secretly CIA agents or because it’s.not actually very easy to create a fully working centrally planned economy?

    Just saying capitalism is the problem doesn’t help anyone if your only solution is wishing upon a star.

    • @[email protected]
      -11 month ago

      yet more inane blathering

      I thought that only tankies resort to flooding a reply with bullshit whining to try and deflect from the point - yet here you are, liberal.

      I guess you really aren’t that different.

      • @VirtualOdour
        01 month ago

        I responded to your message, you have no answers so you resort to name calling

        • @[email protected]
          -11 month ago

          I responded to your message,

          I didn’t message you, liberal. Entitle yourself to that kind of importance when you’re circle-jerking with your liberal friends, okay?

          • @VirtualOdour
            01 month ago

            Yes and I responded to yours, why are you crying about it?

            • @[email protected]
              01 month ago

              Again… I never messaged you. If you don’t understand the difference between a message and a post, feel free to ask someone that cares.

              • @VirtualOdour
                11 month ago

                Yes and I responded to it, that is what this whole fediverse thing all about.

                  • @VirtualOdour
                    130 days ago

                    You sent a message to which responded. I don’t understand what is so difficult for you about this