Please use a personal email. My email is ‘mail’ @ ‘my actual name’. It does not get more personal than that

But you can’t use emails starting with mail@, admin@, support@, info@, main@, etc.

Instead they advised me (3 times) to create a personal email on a service like Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, Orange, etc

  • @thatKamGuy
    151 month ago

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to alias out each place you submit an email address to, so you can see who sells your contact details or otherwise gets hacked?

    Eg: [email protected], [email protected] etc.?

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      I just go with full domain names. Like [email protected]. Even combos where data is shared, like [email protected] or [email protected]. But some places actually went out of their way to disallow their own domains anywhere in the field. I’ve encountered it maybe like 3 times across all of ~1000 logins I have in my password manager.

      And the amount of times I had to explain to people that yes, this is a legit email, yes it has your company’s name and your personal name in it, it is exactly as intended, so don’t send me spam because I will know it was you who sent it…

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      This is exactly what I do. When I start getting a bunch of spam addressed to Walmart@[my domain] I can blanket filter that straight into spam because I know Walmart sold my info.