• @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    You are really delusional and a liar. I do not believe for one second you grew up in the USSR, not one nano second. If you were present during that that period you would have noticed that these proud USSR population did not walk but ran towards the west and all the things they really wanted. Not what USSR barely could provide (remember the lines before shops? No you don’t, you were not there) but what the west could and would provide. You casually forgot that. Well, you could not forget little liar as you lied about being alive and present in that period.

    I was and I call you out: liar!

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      -71 year ago

      You can’t believe that I grew up in USSR and actually liked my life there because you’re smooth brained victim of western propaganda. And when you’re faced with people who actually lived in USSR and liked it, you’re incapable of processing this information. Meanwhile, you can stop calling me a liar, cause I still even have my original USSR passport. Learn to deal with it troll.

      You can keep calling me whatever you like, but anybody reading this thread can clearly see that you’re just insane.

          • There are a few too many compression artefacts and the small/strange aspect ratio/resolution of something you would’ve used a phone to snap a picture of…

            Post one with you holding or giving me the middle finger or something and I’ll believe you. I’ll even go snap one of my Ukrainian passport (I burnt my soviet one). I might have my Polish one somewhere though…

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              1 year ago

              You’re such a bad troll, it’s hilarious. Maybe learn how jpeg compression works there before playing detective. 😂 Hilarious how you think I’m going to dox myself for you here. You believe whatever you like though, it’s pretty clear that you live in your own alternate reality.

              • JPG compression is supposed to be uniform across the image. It’s not in your images case. It’s called ELA, and that’s a big red flag.

                How would posting your middle finger actually dox you?

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  -51 year ago

                  Thanks for letting us know that you don’t understand how jpeg compresison works. 😂 It’s not uniform across the image, it compresses similar regions. And enjoy:

                  • @bazookabill
                    01 year ago

                    Take your chance to support your beloved Russia by heroically joining the frontline troops to fight the evil west like a real Russian warrior, unlike a tankie, would!