• @tellah
    21 month ago

    The sources are Gallup and KIIS.

    Let me know when you can find a source that shows the majority of Ukrainians do not support the war against Russian invasion. I’ll wait.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      11 month ago

      I hate to break it to you, but those aren’t unbiased sources. The regime in Ukraine has banned all opposition parties, and any independent media, and it regularly jails people who speak out against the regime. Pretty incredible that you can’t understand why polling under such conditions makes no sense. However, the fact that they cancelled the elections should make it pretty obvious to anybody with a functioning brain what the level of support actually is.

      • @tellah
        01 month ago

        Of course it is challenging to conduct polls during wartime. Countries tend toward authoritarianism when they are at war. But unlike the invaders, Zelensky’s government was elected in free and fair elections in 2019. This election, as well as the Maidan protests in 2013, make it pretty obvious to me that Ukrainians support their independence from Russia.