Hello everyone. Today I have found /huge-emoji-list.

And I duplicated it into /cocells-emoji.

But why am I speaking of this? Well, since the comment essentially relies on URL. And the list literally consists of almost 87k emojis.

I want to understand what fellow developers have to say about this? Because this generator is pre-loaded with so many resources, but the constrain lies in the URL. After all, it essentially contains 20000000+ characters, well, an estimate.

  • allo
    31 month ago

    and then when the apocalypse happens and the world needs to restart, all important info of the world will have been saved on the perchance server and it will be easy.

    • BluePower
      21 month ago

      No, that’d be impractical, unless the server is stored somewhere on space and there was a technology that makes the server accessible from the ground, without any sort of latency or slow connection. But I guess the reason is that the perchance upload server would be guaranteed to be maintained forever so it’s very, very unlikely that a file would randomly disappear from the server.