I told myself I was going to be quick per model with this mob of genestealers, but I just can’t happy with the dark washed skin. I am going back and making the skin much lighter. Work in progress of the change.

  • @[email protected]OP
    1 month ago

    Sure. I don’t normally do genestealers or tyranids, so the methods were all being developed on the fly.

    The models were all primed black. The carapaces were drybrushed with Vallejo Model Color Grey Blue, then Pale Grey Blue. At that point, the second drybrushing had left them too light and chalky colored so I used a DIY blue ink wash all over to get them back to a more saturated blue.

    The exposed flesh is all Citadel Pink Horror, then washed with Citadel’s purple wash, then 50/50 Pink Horror and an ivory paint. (Normally I’d transition between shade and highlights with more intermediate layers, but I’m used to doing small batches compared to such a large group. I’m counting on the genestealers looking decent as group rather than individuals with this paintjob.)

    Bases were all drybrushed with Vallejo Luftwafe blue, then Pale Grey Blue, then Vallejo Rust wash applied to details.

    • @akwd169
      11 month ago

      Thanks! My main colors are Vallejo model colours, I heard they were some of the best quality acrylic paints for minis.

      What do you think of them, in terms of quality?