• mozz
      1 month ago

      I don’t think you’re a Trumper/Republican because you don’t support Genocide Joe. I think you’re a Trumper/Republican because the way you don’t support him doesn’t make any fucking sense. You criticize him for things he objectively didn’t do, and you offer no particular solutions that would seem to lead to a better outcome for those of us who live in the US and want it to do less killing here and abroad, and the only solution that you seem to offer – refusing to vote for him and offering an endless drumbeat of propaganda about him – has an excellent possibility of leading to a catastrophically worse outcome for everyone. Including Palestinians. And, you’re so vocal and consistent in criticizing him – and only him – for such a big variety of things real and imagined that it’s hard for me to take away any possible conclusion than that you’re trying to make sure he doesn’t get elected.

      It’s possible that you’re simply a very confused leftist. IDK. But that’s my take on it. I note, also, that the story linked to also explicitly contradicts the headline, in terms of when students left (“walked out”) from the ceremony:

      Several students walked out of the graduation ceremony while Biden was presented with an honorary degree following his speech, CNN reported.

      So they stayed to listen to him speak, and then walked out in protest when he was done speaking? This is impossible, to me, to read as anything other than a deliberate propaganda construction built on people leaving to go to the bathroom or something. IDK, maybe I’m missing something.

      (Edit: Also, when I said the protestors were awesome and it’s good that they let them protest, because it’s a message Biden needs to hear because he is wrong, and then you immediately pretended that I had said the opposite and started lecturing me about how legitimate it is to disagree with Biden, I honestly didn’t even notice because I’m sorta numb to that kind of thing at this point.)

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      Trumpers/Republican that don’t support genocide Joe, but there’s literally millions of us.

      Disregarding the stupid “gEnOciDe jOe” comment, do you have a source for millions of people willing to switch from voting for Joe Biden in 2020 to not voting for him in 2024?

      There’s literally no candidates with a better track record on this than Biden, and any candidates that could have a better Palestine policy aren’t going to win.

      • @[email protected]
        -221 month ago

        I will be one of the millions not voting for the butcher of Palestine. There’s no way that a liberal could spin that he’s the lesser evil.

          • @[email protected]
            -111 month ago

            What’s worse than genocide, and how are you able to convince yourself that murder is not the lesser evil?

            • @[email protected]
              31 month ago

              Well for one, many people have problems calling this a genocide yet, me for one. I’ve had an entire branch of my family wiped out by the Holocaust, 90% of Belarussian Jews were exterminated, that’s literally almost everyone. The Germans purposely went door to door killing as many people as possible.

              Meanwhile the highest estimate for civilian deaths in Gaza in 30k, or almost 1.5%. There’s a massive massive massive difference between these two. Israel isn’t going door to door trying to kill as many Palestinians as possible or indiscriminately bombing refugee camps for the fun of it, they just don’t care if they kill 10 civilians for one Hamas member.

              And on the other hand, literally every other candidate would do worse than Biden in Gaza, Every. Single. One.

              He’s not just the lesser of two evils, he’s literally the only option.

              • @[email protected]
                -81 month ago

                It doesn’t matter what you call it by. Its very own definition. It is genocide and it is being committed by a fascist liberal, and trying to claim that somebody else would commit murder worse is asinine.

                Israelis don’t need to go door-to-door to kill everybody because they’re using US supplied weapons and white phosphorus to carpet bomb them.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 month ago

                  Israelis don’t need to go door-to-door to kill everybody because they’re using US supplied weapons and white phosphorus to carpet bomb them.

                  Disregarding the rest of your comment, just this is dumb enough alone and shows how you feel about the situation.

                  Israel hasn’t been carpet bombing Gaza, Gaza is tiny, Israel has enough weaponry to immediately flatten the entire place tomorrow if they want. What you’re saying is incredibly disconnected from reality, and if it was true the casualties would be much much higher by now, almost in the millions.

                  Israel has been doing targeted strikes, not carpet bombing, even if it doesn’t seem like it because they’re still murdering thousands of children. When Israel encounters any form of resistance, whether that be an IED, rocket, or small arms fire, they stop, issue an evacuation order for that neighborhood, wait, and then bomb the shit out of it and storm it. The majority of the deaths have come from them not properly notifying an area they were supposed to evacuate before bombing it, or from civilians still being in the area after a proper evacuation order.

                  This is effectively the exact same thing Russia is doing in Ukraine, still fucking awful, still needs to be stopped immediately, and Biden still isn’t doing enough.

                  But it’s not the carpet bombing genocide you claim it to be.

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          Holy shit dude, what’s yalls obsession with calling everyone who disagrees with you a liberal.

            • @[email protected]
              61 month ago

              Well when I’ve been a member of a socialist party for almost ten years now and worked on several socialist’s campaigns yeah it kinda does.

              When you call everyone liberals it makes it super obvious yall think you’re the only form of leftists meanwhile a lot of the people yall are calling “libs” have put far more effort towards revolutionizing society than you could ever dream of.

              • @[email protected]
                -71 month ago

                Liberals are not even remotely leftist so they are in their own group. They support capitalism in all the oppression that comes with it, and they will defend their version of the oppression that comes with it tooth and nail

                • @[email protected]
                  41 month ago

                  Yep I’m perfectly aware that’s the traditional leftist idea of a liberal. I wasn’t calling liberals leftists, simply saying that when you call other leftists/communists/socialists liberals just because you dislike their foreign policy takes you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

                  Theres nothing explicitly liberal about zionism, and you can come to either a Zionist or anti-Zionist point of view from leftism, as is obvious from Israel and Palestine both being controlled by socialists for the first 40 years of their history.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -41 month ago

                    I just like their foreign and domestic policy. If it looks like a duck quacks like a duck and walks like a motherfucking duck, it’s a goddamn duck.

        • @[email protected]
          121 month ago

          No, this very well could be a genocide, and the Biden admin needs to work to stop it as soon as possible, in a way that creates a lasting peace.

          That doesn’t answer the question of who you think is possibly better for palestine and could win.

        • @Ghyste
          11 month ago

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