• Dadd Volante
      41 year ago

      So they don’t end up saying dumb things on the internet like that?

      Anyway. Have a good’n

    • @Shit
      21 year ago

      What happend to smallpox?

        • @mod
          31 year ago

          that mRNA thing that objectively did not work?

          How do you arrive at this conclusion? What do you mean by objectively?

            • @mod
              31 year ago

              Why do you see this as an “objective failure”? If you say that the vaccine is required to stop the spread, wouldn’t that mean that most people are required to be vaccinated in order to measure this effect?

              How do you compare vaccinations against chicken pox and COVID? What do you take into account?

                • @Shit
                  11 year ago

                  Yes people vaccinated for chickenpox can still catch and spread chicken pox. Just like how people who have had no vaccine and already caught chickenpox can as well… Educate yourself on how vaccines and herd immunity work. Do better…

                  Anyway the antivax and antimask people made COVID last forever the whole situation was/is really dumb. This whole thing should of never even been a global pandemic and was totally preventable.

                  I got two moderna shots and never caught covid and I was around plenty of dumbasses who did catch it. They explained to me how it’s fine and just the flu before having some existential crisis half a week later about how they might die. Then they conveniently forgot about that a few months later to complain about the vaccine causing aids or blood clots or something.

                  Anyways do better stop listening to dotards explain how things work based on Facebook posts, rumble videos or whatever. Like you live in a time you can dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCH or don’t I don’t care.