Let’s work from home when the kids are sick, thank you great company that I am allowed to slave away for you while taking care of my sick kid! It isn’t even a US company it seems.

Edit: guess I should have posted to unpopularopinions instead!

I just wanted to add I cut off the photo of the person on purpose. She is posting that with her sick child in her lap and that photo has been taken by some other person, not a selfie. If you are not feeling that the content of the post is bad, you hopefully still agree that presenting your sick child in an almost professionally looking photo to the world for LinkedIn clout is not great.

  • sugar_in_your_tea
    4 months ago

    Eh, I used to be full remote for 5-ish years, but for the last 2-ish, I’ve been going in 2-days/week. I like that schedule, since I get to actually be with my team in person. I find it’s a lot easier to collaborate because you can easily tell if someone is busy, whereas chatting someone can feel like an imposition.

    We have a very flexible work policy:

    • we stay home if we’re sick
    • we stay home if a family member is sick
    • we stay home if we have an appointment
    • we stay home if we have an important delivery
    • we’re good to WFH when traveling

    We don’t have a formal policy other than it’s expected to come in these two days/week and occasionally other days in certain circumstances (e.g. our CTO comes to visit, we fly in remote team members, etc). That happens maybe 2-3x/year, it’s really a non-issue.

    If I had two otherwise equivalent offers where one was full remote and the other was 2-days in office (close commute), I may end up taking the second, just because I find actual value in face-to-face interaction and think prioritizing that promotes good work culture. But I’m fine with either, so it’s not a strong preference.